So on my way back home from BK, I really had to pee so I stopped in at the Starbucks on 14th and 8th(aka public restrooms for nyc). After I decide to grab a coffee and needed to charge my phone. The only plug available was at a table with a very questionable old man. So I walk up and say excuse me do you mind if I sit here. He responds with the raspiest nyc accent you can imagine. Schweetheart I don't care if you sit down or jump off a bldg! Ha ooookay so I sat. He continues to mumble people think they need to ask permission for everything. What if I told ya NO you couldn't sit here? Well..I would have told you to go f#%k yourself! He laughed then continued to ramble on about 1947 and the weather and kidz today don't know about hardships etc..Then he says hey lemme ask you somethin? Ok? My radio stopped workin can you figure out what the hell is wrong with it? Me, hmmmm I think you need new batteries. Oh it has batteries? Yes triple AAA. I contemplated going to buy him new batteries, he then asks how much do you think they are? Me, 3 or 4 bucks. He pulls out a fiver and asks me to go buy him batteries. I say ok. Come back with his batteries and 2 bucks change. Put them in for him..Eureka radio works, he high fives me. As I say well nice meetin ya take care and start walkin out I hear him talking to the Starbucks chick my radio hasn't been workin for two weeks and she fixed it! Now I don't have to hear the crap you play here ha. Raddest old man ever m.
Awesome encounters like that can restore faith in humanity.
@baalseraph : ) He was a cool old dude even though he was hatin on me at first lol!! @moregraffiti : ) <3 m.