Holy fuck I didn't realize that I haven't posted any thing since Oct. Time files eh?
School has started back up again. I have a day of class and two days of clinicals which is awesome, nerve wracking but still awesome. I feel like this is finally happening and that all my hard work and sacrifice is finally starting to pay off.
At one my jobs (yes I have two) I work with people with disabilities. One of the staff decided to steal their meds and their money. Everyone who worked at that house had to be intereviewed by an state investigator. I have never had this happen before and it was somewhat jarring. I hope karma really bites the ass of the person who stole.
Found out that my son has a girlfriend. I am torn on how I feel about this. On one hand, I am happy that he is making a connection but then I am also afraid that he is going to be made fun of or that maybe she is just being nice to him and because of his autism he doesnt pick up on social cue. I don't know. We shall see how this pans out.
The Walking Dead starts soon!!!! Now that True Blood and Boardwalk Empire are done for the season, I gotta have something else to look forward too. Im still pissed about the way Boardwalk Empire season ended.
School has started back up again. I have a day of class and two days of clinicals which is awesome, nerve wracking but still awesome. I feel like this is finally happening and that all my hard work and sacrifice is finally starting to pay off.
At one my jobs (yes I have two) I work with people with disabilities. One of the staff decided to steal their meds and their money. Everyone who worked at that house had to be intereviewed by an state investigator. I have never had this happen before and it was somewhat jarring. I hope karma really bites the ass of the person who stole.
Found out that my son has a girlfriend. I am torn on how I feel about this. On one hand, I am happy that he is making a connection but then I am also afraid that he is going to be made fun of or that maybe she is just being nice to him and because of his autism he doesnt pick up on social cue. I don't know. We shall see how this pans out.
The Walking Dead starts soon!!!! Now that True Blood and Boardwalk Empire are done for the season, I gotta have something else to look forward too. Im still pissed about the way Boardwalk Empire season ended.

Thanks lovely
nice to see a new blog from you! also i work at a group home for people with disabilities and thats absolutely rediculous as if we aren't scrutinized enough by the state people have to pull shit like that. Ugh!

Haha the ladies love Reedus