Eh not much to report. Working like crazy, I need all the money I can get for X-mas gifts
Have four tests next week, two of which are lab finals. have finals the week after and then I am free! (for a month anyways)
I am on a major peppermint kick from coffee to candies to shakes, I love it all yum!!
I hope everyone has a good day!!

Have four tests next week, two of which are lab finals. have finals the week after and then I am free! (for a month anyways)
I am on a major peppermint kick from coffee to candies to shakes, I love it all yum!!

I hope everyone has a good day!!

Yes I have went balls off in Walmat once. My girlfriend and me were drunk and she needed a phone charger for her car its like 3am I'm in heels. I got bored waiting for her and decided I must have a lynryd skynryd Cd so next thing you know I'm swaggering then bam on my ass I go. And we were loud as all get out. But it was a lot of fun.
Finally I'm trying to find my way out of the parking lot shes following me in her car and I'm driving around in circles trying to find y way out. It was a riot.