Argh!!! Getting my schedule together for the fall semester is proving to very frustrating. I went to the informaiton seminar at the nursing school I want to go to and the told me that the Anatomy and Phyisology class that I busted my ass one doesn't count and now I have to take additional A&P classes which puts me back a year. I don't know why it has to be this freaking hard. I understand that they need to weed out students who aren't serious or don't have the grades but seriously, enough is enough. So now I am trying to manuver my work schedule to fit with my school schedule and still leave some time for the family. Grief.

I have to re-do my A&P classes for my nursing program too! Which does suck..but at the same time..I'm looking at it like this..maybe I'll catch something I didn't the first time through!
sorry about your class