I think too much. And it just keeps me from doing things in my life, and then i regret it and i guess at the end of the day i just take it all out on everybody.
Anyway. That was my deep thinking moment.
I just finished watching "Kendra". I cried during the wedding's episode when i never cried for weddings EVER and i think getting married is pretty useless and everything. I guess i'm just kind of emotional right now.
Alright, since i'm a little dumb and i like to do things MY way, i decided my new year would start tomorow. That pretty much means that i'm gonna start (for the first time of my life) trying to keep up with my resolutions.
- Stop eating crap, i'm stronger than my stomach - fucker -
- Stop thinking too much, just let go and have fun
- FIND a job - not only pretend like i've looked for one and they "never called me back"
- Find someone NORMAL, simple and carring to share a part of my life with because i'm bored and i need fucking affection.
- Quit smoking OR at least try to smoke a little less
Yup, that's lame, and i probably have so many other things i mind that i cant put here because i'm really tired and i cant think straight.
My ex came here on friday and she's gone already.
What a dumbass.
Alright, i'm going to bed you guyyyys
Loveeeeeee xxx
Certainly the finding someone normal* bit. Living with my ex for the past five months has left me a little on edge :S
(* I would of course be happy a good kind of crazy too