I just came back from the vet. We had to euthanize my baby rat. At least i got to see him one last time, my mom cried, i didnt. I know he's off to a better place. I'm sad but i try not to be too much.
I got an Iphone, i hate it but it was the cheapest and at the store, they said that the only good thing about the Blackberry is that you can get your email on your phone. So i decided i would get the iPhone.
I miss my baby. I'm bored, he was the only one who kept me busy, and now that he's gone, i cant stop watching his cage but i also try not to do that too often otherwise i'll just end up crying.
I'll probably buy another one later, not now though. It's just too soon.
&I'm still a little sick.
R.I.P mylove.

Sorry about your pet

Sorry for your loss.