I'm watching Paranormal Activity and i'm wondering : are they a real couple taping themselves or are they actors? i dont really get it ahah
It's awesome though.
Have you seen it? Did you like it?
for those who havent seen it yet, you can watch it here.
01:04 am
Ok, i've watched all the dorkiest movies i could find to calm myself down and try to think about something else but i cant get this movie out of my head and now i'm scared to go to bed. I'm even thinking about sleeping with the light on ahah.
Someone pleaaase come and keep me compagny. NO BOYS (
) ALLOWED though .
I'm going to the hospital tomorow to visit some old woman. I HATE hospitals but i need to get out of here.
And i'm meeting my brother on monday. Havent seen him in a looong time.
I'm working out aaaall the time. I cant even live without working out but it seems like it doesnt show at all. Or maybe i'm so obsessed with my abs and everything i cant see it until it explodes out of my tummy. Hehe.
Alright i'm gonna do some sit ups and then i'll TRY and sleep.
Bye lovers.

It's awesome though.
Have you seen it? Did you like it?
for those who havent seen it yet, you can watch it here.
01:04 am
Ok, i've watched all the dorkiest movies i could find to calm myself down and try to think about something else but i cant get this movie out of my head and now i'm scared to go to bed. I'm even thinking about sleeping with the light on ahah.
Someone pleaaase come and keep me compagny. NO BOYS (

I'm going to the hospital tomorow to visit some old woman. I HATE hospitals but i need to get out of here.
And i'm meeting my brother on monday. Havent seen him in a looong time.
I'm working out aaaall the time. I cant even live without working out but it seems like it doesnt show at all. Or maybe i'm so obsessed with my abs and everything i cant see it until it explodes out of my tummy. Hehe.
Alright i'm gonna do some sit ups and then i'll TRY and sleep.
Bye lovers.

Je le regarderait quand je pourrais , merci de preciser que c'etait pas mechant . Mais si c'etait effectivement pas le cas , crois moi , sa porte a confusion . Ce matin j'suis passer devant chez toi , j'ai hesiter longtemps , mais bon c'etait encore histoire de s'embrouiller et d'se lacher de mauvais mots en pleine figure , a quoi bon ? Enfin voila , on va dire que sa me fait plaisir que t'es penser a moi en le regardant , j'espere que tu continue a leur parler lol .