Ok, i really , really need to find somebody to shoot my set. Geez is it that hard to find someone with a good camera ? -_-
Anyways, if you guys have some ideas about the theme i should use for my next set, let me know
Next year I think i'll go back to school. But i'm affraid I might feel in need to ditch school; i'm not used to spend each and every single day in some school for 1 or 2 years. It's just impossible to me but i'll TRY not to.
Hopefully it works out well lol.
My ex girlfriend is coming over on june 3rd to spend some time here with me AS FRIENDS (lol) while my mom is gone to Romania.
You guys are letting me down !! no more comments, nothing??!!! What is going on in here :p
wake up ! <3
haha if i was in franc i could shoot a set for you but i live in the uk.
C'est foufou que tu trouves pas de photographe sur Paris... Tu as essay de demander conseil directement auprs des SG parisiennes ? (genre Valium ou Raia)
Bon, sinon, y'a un souci : je sais pas si c'est ta langue qui est trop courte ou ton sein trop petit, mais il manque 10 cm sur la photo