I need to figure out how to get more loving on my sets
Im afraid to have that problem when it comes to it
....& yeah my first set is in member review june 18th at 3 pm .....im afraid it wont do good since it does not have cootchie shots like the sets Ive seen here since I got my account.
hahaha ...it was just something I noticed that alot of sets that were accepted that had lots of cootchie shots. but really its always a surprise how they pick em...but yes I agree I really think you have LOTS more chances with a staff photog. If even my second set dont go in Ill go all the way to halifax ( I dont drive yet so its kinda far 3 hours away) and pay that photog down there! he is good tough. Im sure you will eventually go pink!
you look awesome! and nah I think people actually like any kinds of blogs here looks like it anyways hahah!