Hello my loves!
So the Sweetly Broken set is now up in MR..Thanks to those of you who left sweet comments..really does mean alot! I think the next set will be alot better and show more of me and my spunkyness...lol..
So the weekend has been mellow so far..totally slept in this morning which was bad because it took me alot of coffee and starbucks to get my ass going. I got my hair done and am going lighter..I have alot of blonde in my hair now..I really like it..I'll post some pics tomorrow....I realized ive changed alot since this set was taken...I have a new ugly tattoo on my chest that needs to be covered up...so if anyone knows a fab artist good at cover ups let me know! I also have both my nipples pierced and totally love them and want to get something else pierced but not sure what...any ideas???
So tonight me and my friend Debbie went to the adult sex shop..I got some new toys and a pocket vibrator that i'm very excited about! Can't wait to try out the new toys tonight!!!
Well hope everyones good..thx again for the love on the set.....
So the Sweetly Broken set is now up in MR..Thanks to those of you who left sweet comments..really does mean alot! I think the next set will be alot better and show more of me and my spunkyness...lol..
So the weekend has been mellow so far..totally slept in this morning which was bad because it took me alot of coffee and starbucks to get my ass going. I got my hair done and am going lighter..I have alot of blonde in my hair now..I really like it..I'll post some pics tomorrow....I realized ive changed alot since this set was taken...I have a new ugly tattoo on my chest that needs to be covered up...so if anyone knows a fab artist good at cover ups let me know! I also have both my nipples pierced and totally love them and want to get something else pierced but not sure what...any ideas???
So tonight me and my friend Debbie went to the adult sex shop..I got some new toys and a pocket vibrator that i'm very excited about! Can't wait to try out the new toys tonight!!!
Well hope everyones good..thx again for the love on the set.....
hey there! long time no speak. great to see your set back up. (about time!!) go pink this time dammit!
i'm doing fantastic, hope you are as well! enjoy the rest of the very end of the weekend!

Thanks for the request sweety! I loved your set!