Anyone in Minneapolis Interested in Co-ed nude yoga give me an email...we have a nude class going on now hosted by MN Naturists. A certified Yoga teacher is leading is fun to get together with fellow nudies and shine in our poses..

O.K. I'm lost...Full of so much love I don't know where to go with is bursting out of me...not from the usual places but from my soul, my essence, my pores...Siting in a bath of love...swishing around in all of the pink juices...loving and loving I never knew it could be so good...and I was with someone..a fire alarm went of so we had to stop,,,but now with out climaxing I am evolved in love.. no climax --and the feelings are still with me...ohh sending you all love and joy...

:kiss oh this should be a new blog entry but I forgot to do it...oh well: