Hey hey SG land!
Again, trying to catch up with homework. @missy and @rambo asked about the favourite place we've ever been to. I could talk about the shootfest in Portugal, which was an amazing life experience. The beauty of Switzerland. The quietness and happiness I feel in Burgos when i visit my girlfriend. The magical light of France, the Loire, Paris, and yes.,, Disneyland! But no, it has to be London. As a kid, since I was 8, I was obsessed with brit music (Ah, the infamous Brit Pop era!) and while listening to those bands that talked so much about England and London, my obsession was not only musical but geographical too. I read books, watched documentaries (those about MUSIC were my favourites of course, from Punk to new/dark wave, to britpop to rave movement) and bought anything Union jack flag-related. I even started having tea with milk at age 10 or 11! (which is something quite uncommon for a spanish kid). When my best pal in primary school went to London with her family I got terribly jealous and asked my parents compulsively for a London family trip that never happened. All I wanted was to rock a (Fake) leather jacket and stroll around Soho, buy records in Camden, walk through the tube station as stylish as Keeley Hawes in Suede's Saturday Night music video (she was perfection , I so wanted to be her when I grew up) , eat fish and chips, have a nice cuppa at 1 in the morning looking at the people passing by in Bar Italia... It was my dream!
But still, I had to wait until 2010 to go there. Suede, my fave band ever re-united for what it was supossed to be a one night act for the Teenage Cancer Trust at the Royal Albert Hall (and then at the 02 arena, and Brixtin Academy!). I could not miss it. So I convinced a friend and off to London we went! it was magical, but quite weird cause I had si many expectations and when you're travelling with other people you have to attend their interests too... But it was a good trip. Good enough to come back again in December. And next May. And then October again!
In December I went with my friend again, and it was lovely depsite the cold. At this moment I felt the city was exactly what I dreamed off... but May and October 2011 was absolutely perfect as I didnt feel like a tourist any more. I went to gigs and pubs, I met people, I went to house parties, I went for walks to Highgate Cemetery, I sat by the river and smoke, changed bus lines in Seven Sisters, got super sick and had to go to the hospital emergencies and apene the whole afternoon there, got tattooed, drove at night through the London bridge with the most handsome man I've ever met (well, he drove, I dont have a license!), got drunk, did some drugs... I did everything in London! and I felt beautiful, and like I belonged.

I am un love with London, would love to know more places in the UK though, but London... I'd always come back <3
Ugh, such a long post...