Hey hey SG land!!
STILL Trying to catch up with the assignments that @Missy and @Rambo are giving to us! Now it's time for The Best Day of My life.
It would be really easy to choose this day for me, I could go and say it was the day I met Brett Anderson from Suede, my idol since I was 8 years old. But I kindda talked about it on my last blog entry . So I will just say it was wonderful, that my 16 year old self would be so proud of me and that everytime I think about that day I feel tremendously happy. I got one of my favourite songs tattooed, met some really awesome people while queueing, enjoyed the best gig in my entire life, and got to talk with Brett for a couple of minutes with no sings of disappointment (thing I was terribly afraid of!). Oh and I got photographed by Paul Khera, who's Suede official photographer and made Brett's solo music videos! It was a dream come true. Needless to say, all this happened in London! A place I love and where I always want to go back.
(by Paul Khera)
But there was andothrr day... You know, during the last 3 months of the year I felt quite in a dark place, emotionally speaking. I started to think about my past relationships and how maybe I never felt love in my life at all, but infatuation. I loved the idea of love, of being in love. But collected those disfunctional reIationships where you only keep the interest if There's pain in loved, but you don't acepar someone loving you. I thought I was unable yo feel love, and unworthy to be loved. I had no interest in people really and came to terms with the fact that maybe love wasnt a thing for me. But the something happened. Someone came along. The last expected person, at the least expected moment. Someone I felt connected with in a way that never happened to me before. Someone I get to be myself with , 100% all the time, 24/7... And that is something that I NEVER experienced before. And one day I realized I truly cared for this person, like I would never let anything bad happen to her, like I would always want to protect her, to make her happy, someone I would call my family more than anybody else. And I knew I was in love. And that person loved me in return. And that day was magic not only because feeling love and being loved is such a great thing, but because I knew I was able to. And maybe it didn't happened before because I just needed the right person to come along. And now ever day I spend next to her is like the best day of my life. She's my best friend, my family, my love. I don't think I could ask for more you know?
Sorry if I sounded corny, but really it is what I think when I think about happy.
Hope you enjoyed this lil' sentimental blog anyways.