to proceed?
I feel like this could be a good outlet. Might as well communicate on a site that has drawn me in mainly for the incredible naked pictures. That and the secret hope that I might convince some suicide girl to be my friend slash life partner. Times are tough for an artist. My main drive in life right now is my career in theatre. I only want to be working in this field, no other. I'm moving to New York soon to continue my training with a reputable theatre company. I'm very excited and nervous to be going on another adventure. Though I thought I'd be successful in love and career by this time, but life has a way of changing your expectations. I have very high hopes for the future and can at times get disappointed with my level of success but when I look back on my accomplishments I have a lot to be thankful for. This last month I accomplished a life long dream of mine, to be in an ensemble theatre group. We worked for nine months conceiving a play, wrote it, then performed it. I was extremely proud of what we accomplished and the positive feedback we received. For all those who are struggling as artists out there, keep working, keep trying. We have to continue even if the only reward we gain is self satisfaction. Because what I've learned in theatre is that people, your audience, love to see something that has had hard work and effort poured through it and can obviously see that you are enjoying it. This does come with a caveat, what you create must be good, i.e. entertaining, stimulating and aesthetically pleasing. But what I've learned for what it is worth is that you have to keep trying, keep getting better. A million hours working your craft, or twenty years in pursuit can and will make you better.
I feel like this could be a good outlet. Might as well communicate on a site that has drawn me in mainly for the incredible naked pictures. That and the secret hope that I might convince some suicide girl to be my friend slash life partner. Times are tough for an artist. My main drive in life right now is my career in theatre. I only want to be working in this field, no other. I'm moving to New York soon to continue my training with a reputable theatre company. I'm very excited and nervous to be going on another adventure. Though I thought I'd be successful in love and career by this time, but life has a way of changing your expectations. I have very high hopes for the future and can at times get disappointed with my level of success but when I look back on my accomplishments I have a lot to be thankful for. This last month I accomplished a life long dream of mine, to be in an ensemble theatre group. We worked for nine months conceiving a play, wrote it, then performed it. I was extremely proud of what we accomplished and the positive feedback we received. For all those who are struggling as artists out there, keep working, keep trying. We have to continue even if the only reward we gain is self satisfaction. Because what I've learned in theatre is that people, your audience, love to see something that has had hard work and effort poured through it and can obviously see that you are enjoying it. This does come with a caveat, what you create must be good, i.e. entertaining, stimulating and aesthetically pleasing. But what I've learned for what it is worth is that you have to keep trying, keep getting better. A million hours working your craft, or twenty years in pursuit can and will make you better.
Thanks for the support on my set darling