YOU ARE 81 % SKA !
Pick it up, you skank! You're one full-fledged crazy Rudie, go celebrate your victory with some skankin'!
Pick it up, you skank! You're one full-fledged crazy Rudie, go celebrate your victory with some skankin'!
good minus this awful cold.... its weird. I had all th symptoms of strep throat, you know the fever, major sore throat, chills, and everything. i went to the doctor friday afternoon bc i had to leave work early, and they took a culture and its not it, so its a virus... and that sucks because now i just have to wait it out...its been about a week and all ive done is get worse. so yeah, im totally over this. and thats about all there is so far, oh and rent is due on tuesday. thats it. lol. how are you? hopefully youre not sick? and work is better?
Yo Sheepgirl when are we going to chat? We share the same birthdays almost. hehe Next year we ought to go out for drinks and celebrate yours then mine two days of partying wooohooo.