happy birthday to me. well my birthday is almost over. i just got home from dinner with my sister and bro in law. we went to Scoma's in San Francisco. i had a scallop and prawn dish and a lobster bisque [so much for my vegetarianism? i'll keep trying]. had 2 glasses of riesling and i just became so drowsy i felt like falling asleep while i was eating. it was all pretty good, and it also made me realize i don't love seafood as much as i thought, ha. so that's good. but i do enjoy it every now and then, but i guess i can do away with it for the most part. i'm glad i worked out today when my sister came home, cuz i feel super fat haha. i treated myself to a mango mantra smoothie from jamba this morning, along with half a veggie wrap, and half of a pineapple upside down mini bundt cake from panera, yum. my mom and sister back at home sent me an edible arrangement of fruit. yumm. chocolate dipped pineapples are awesome. can't wait to eat some of that yummy fruit tomorrow morning. we got me a boston creme cake today for my bday cake, but after dinner i'm just too stuffed to even eat that. i had a decadent slice of chocolate cake at the restaurant, and i was able to make my wish there =]
overall, my birthday was a typical birthday. just another day, nothing special, except i allow myself a few more treats than usual.
i'm exhausted. still missing the bf, especially not being able to spend my bday with him. =[
goodnight world.
overall, my birthday was a typical birthday. just another day, nothing special, except i allow myself a few more treats than usual.
i'm exhausted. still missing the bf, especially not being able to spend my bday with him. =[
goodnight world.
happy birthday

im hungry after reading all that. mmm food! ima go find some.