im awake. and it sux. i had a bad day. baby nephew did not treat me well today. i ate leftover bean burgers, and snacked on sourdough bread and goat cheese all day. i couldn't stop. i don't think i can allow it into this house anymore. i had a headache that lasted from noon til night. was unable to go to the gym due to headache/terribly achy feet/laziness. tomorrow i will go so i can feel better. i need new shoes to walk in everyday. i'm thinking of getting some Earth brand shoes, or some birks. we'll see, cause currently am broke. i think its raining outside right now. i wanted to buy a new vegetarian or vegan cookbook when i was at borders today, but again, nephew wasn't having it. my brother in law said we could go to napa tomorrow, but i just wanna relax this weekend. no wine for me this weekend, thx. i didn't realize my birthday is in three days. i'm kind of sad. i miss my boyfriend and my doggies. =[
goodnight world.
goodnight world.
have an awesome day