i just want to say this: i love yoga.
1 hour of vinyasa yoga, then 30 minutes run/walk
plus walking everywhere all day. good day. feel refreshed. don't feel like such a fat ass today. =]
but my thighs feel super fat because i chafed so bad today. it hurtss =[
and update: i'm going veg again. [as much as possible at least!]. i'm excited to start making vegetarian/vegan dishes again. woop.
1 hour of vinyasa yoga, then 30 minutes run/walk
plus walking everywhere all day. good day. feel refreshed. don't feel like such a fat ass today. =]
but my thighs feel super fat because i chafed so bad today. it hurtss =[
and update: i'm going veg again. [as much as possible at least!]. i'm excited to start making vegetarian/vegan dishes again. woop.
I can't do the vegan thing...everything in my cafeteria is vegetarian (including cheese.)
I can't seem to NOT eat Piraat Pizza also..so..sounds lazy..but..Uh...I have no excuse.