just got back from San Diego a little while ago. made some friends with 3 cute doggies, and had a good time at the San Diego Zoo. i finally was able to see some panda bears, and now i am a happy panda. they were so cute, and i just wanted to cuddle them.
other than that i've been really thinking about my stay here in california. me and my bf really miss each other, and i'm thinking of cutting my stay here short. i was originally going to stay until december, but now im thinking about leaving as soon as the end of the month. i like the weather here, the neighborhood is great, and after the first week of taking care of my nephew it has become really easy. but i just don't think i can continue staying here without my boyfriend =[ i'm going to settle some things this week regarding school, call up the culinary school i'm hoping to attend, see if i can start in january then take it from there. if my plan goes through, then i think i will have to bid farewell soon. i'll fly back home, find a job, pay off some debts, then move into an apartment with the bf and then we can start from there. i really do not want to have to live at home due to family insanity/drama. i do like it here, but not as much as i like it at home where i can be with the bf. but until then, i will have to get things sorted out, continue eating healthy, working out, doing the yoga thing, and taking care of my nephew.
will post zoo pics later, too lazy at the moment.
other than that i've been really thinking about my stay here in california. me and my bf really miss each other, and i'm thinking of cutting my stay here short. i was originally going to stay until december, but now im thinking about leaving as soon as the end of the month. i like the weather here, the neighborhood is great, and after the first week of taking care of my nephew it has become really easy. but i just don't think i can continue staying here without my boyfriend =[ i'm going to settle some things this week regarding school, call up the culinary school i'm hoping to attend, see if i can start in january then take it from there. if my plan goes through, then i think i will have to bid farewell soon. i'll fly back home, find a job, pay off some debts, then move into an apartment with the bf and then we can start from there. i really do not want to have to live at home due to family insanity/drama. i do like it here, but not as much as i like it at home where i can be with the bf. but until then, i will have to get things sorted out, continue eating healthy, working out, doing the yoga thing, and taking care of my nephew.
will post zoo pics later, too lazy at the moment.
hooray for you prlly coming back early!!
did you ever end up going to culinary?