was at the frightfest for some of the weekend although i didn't get to see as many movies as i would have liked. i saw hatchet, which was ok, it started off being really funny but got a bit stupid towards the end and the majority of the actors were really annoying so i didn't really care that the died. harmony from buffy was in it with her tits out, talk about a dodgy boob job! some of the death scenes were nice and creative though.
i also saw grimm love, which again was ok but nothing special. will probably go straight to DVD i think.
and i also saw the host, which i really enjoyed. the monster thingy in it kinda looks like a giant tadpole, but it was still fun and exciting to watch.
i wish i had gotten the time to go see pan's labyrinth and broken, because i heard both were really good. but i guess i will have to wait
i found this interesting movie poster website, well if you like that sort of thing. some of my favourites that i found were...
well, i guess that's enough movie talk
i start my new job tomorrow, not really that nervous, excited, worried or whatever, just don't particularly want to get back into a boring routine again. i did also get a call about another job i had an interview for last week and they want me in on saturday for a trial day. so it will be kinda hard to choose if i end up having 2 jobs. one will be easy, non-stressful but ultimately boring and not really what i want to be doing. the other will be very stressful, involve working shifts (and holidays like christmas day etc.), but will ultimately be more rewarding. the lazy half of me wants the easy option and the other half wants some kind of job satisfaction. so which do i choose? why can't i just be independently wealthy?
here is a really funny conversation i overheard on the bus the other day:
stupid boy: do you know what's really viscious?
non-english speaking girlfriend: what?
stupid boy: hedgehogs?
non-english speaking girlfriend: what?
stupid boy: you know, hedgehogs?
non-english speaking girlfriend: huh?
stupid boy: you know if you put 2 hedgehogs in a room together and leave them for long enough, when you get back there will just be one really big hedgehog left!
(non-english speaking girlfriend looks at him blankly)
stupid boy: they're cannibals!
non-english speaking girlfrend: oh.
(they then start to make out)
they then proceeded to have (rather one sided) conversations about whether fish drink special water or if they just take a gulp from where they are and how to tell an edible egg from one with a chicken in it...
i almost forgot about this awsome flash gordon poster
I went to the 80's party.. Decided to go as a glam metal fan.. I will post a picture and show you how terrible I looked.. Oh im so ashamed!
But be sure to remind me.. I hate the pics and might get too lazy to post
How is the new job going? I say go for the rewarding one.. I have always wanted to do that, instead I was a corporate whore for five years and became a complete sell out. Back to the drawing board!