well, as you may have guessed, i am back from my vacation. i am feeling very jet lagged and spaced out at the moment. you know that weird feeling you get when you come home from a long holiday, thats like 'did i actually ever leave?' seen as they always seem to go so quickly.
so where to start... i guess i should get the moaning out of the way first... well the flight out there sucked! i had a vomiting small child sitting behind me and 2 more small children in front of me who kept jumping around on the chairs. there were also about a million screaming babies on the plane. i swear that there should be a ban on taking under 18's on long haul flights. anyway, i'm sure this came from one of said snotty nosed children, but i ended up with the flu for over the first week that i was there... literally i could barely get out of bed and spent most of my time puking. law of the sod i guess, seen as i had been looking forward to this trip for nearly a year! also, where i was staying for the most part had no air con... how can you have no air con in california? it was about a million degrees in the house! oh and due to my sickness i was unable to get any of the new tattoos i had planned
ok so now i guess i will try and stop the moaning and tell you about some of the fun stuff i managed to squeeze into the days when i was not feeling like i was going to die... we went to disneyland, it was fun. we got stuck on the pirates of the caribbean ride, there was some kind of problem with it and we were sitting there for about 20 mins. they have added all these new bits into the ride from the movies, like jack sparrow... even an animatronic johnny depp is pretty hot! although i would definately not recommend eating at the restaurant thats in the ride, the blue bayou or whatever its called. way too overpriced (even for disney) for rubbish food. the haunted mansion was also a lot of fun. i want to go one christmas when they have it all set up like nightmare before christmas. i also really like spalsh mountain.

This was right after spash mountain, hence the wetness...
everyone in california seems to have a dog. especially in LA. this includes my friends who i stayed with, they had this cute little sheltie called scooter mcmooster. he's only about a year old and wants to play 24 hours a day.

pirate scooter
then after about 5 days in LA we got the bus to san diego. we pretty much spent most of our time at the comic con and one day at the zoo. san diego zoo was pretty cool, they have an amazing breeding programme so there were lots of baby animals, including a baby panda.

i really liked san diego, it was a nice city. although some things were a little too close to home for comfort... obviously they have never been to the elephant and castle, because otherwise they definately wouldn't have named a restaurant after it!

comic con was ok, although i could happily have only gone for one day and still have seen everything i wanted to see. after 3 days i was ready to kill the next storm trooper i saw. some of the costumes were just ridiculous... i mean since when did elektra weigh 250lbs or han solo have terrible acne? i mean really... besides all of the stupid costumes and socially inept people there was some cool stuff, like i met roman dirge and sid haig. oh and i met nathan jurevicius who is so cute... check out his stuff. i also met the tokidoki guy and bought these...

oh and i saw some clips from the new tarantino/rodriguez movie grindhouse. it looks pretty cool. as much as i hate tarantino... this looks like it was be one of the best movies of next year....
then after the comic con we went back up to LA for the last few days and stayed in venice. which was very noisy but still a lot of fun. there was a midget with no legs who went around on a skateboard who i would always see dancing outside my hotel at about 2am. there are a lot strange people in vencie...

i went to see clerks 2 in santa monica, it was a bit disappointing. but then again i'm not sure really why they felt the need to make a sequel. the first clerks is the only decent kevin smith film, and this is almost an exact copy... in colour with dante and randal looking old and fat. it was kinda sad.
one thing i have to say, i've been to the states a lot and it never ceases to amaze me the amount of overweight people you see, compared to here anyways. i mean not just chubby or fat, but clinically obese. it's kinda scary especially when you see loads of little kids who weigh more than me who live off junk and candy. i found myself craving vegetables a lot too. we ate out a lot and there is little vegetarian option unless you actually go to a veggie restaurant. and the veggie option usually seems to contain a lot of processed cheese... ugh i hate processed cheese. why eat something that it neon orange? i was relieved when we actually got the chance to go to a grocery store and buy some fruit!
overall, it was a fun trip. i just wish we hadn't gotten so sick for the first half. coming home sucked too, when you come back to reality and you just want to spend the rest of your life on holiday. i wish i was rich and had one of those big houses in the hollywood hills with a pool and spent my days travelling and shopping and reading....
anyway, i guess i will stop rambling now. i need more sleep.
another thing, did anyone else read about daniel radcliffe being in a west end production of equus? harry potter naked and mutilating horses... weird.

well, as you may have guessed, i am back from my vacation. i am feeling very jet lagged and spaced out at the moment. you know that weird feeling you get when you come home from a long holiday, thats like 'did i actually ever leave?' seen as they always seem to go so quickly.
so where to start... i guess i should get the moaning out of the way first... well the flight out there sucked! i had a vomiting small child sitting behind me and 2 more small children in front of me who kept jumping around on the chairs. there were also about a million screaming babies on the plane. i swear that there should be a ban on taking under 18's on long haul flights. anyway, i'm sure this came from one of said snotty nosed children, but i ended up with the flu for over the first week that i was there... literally i could barely get out of bed and spent most of my time puking. law of the sod i guess, seen as i had been looking forward to this trip for nearly a year! also, where i was staying for the most part had no air con... how can you have no air con in california? it was about a million degrees in the house! oh and due to my sickness i was unable to get any of the new tattoos i had planned

ok so now i guess i will try and stop the moaning and tell you about some of the fun stuff i managed to squeeze into the days when i was not feeling like i was going to die... we went to disneyland, it was fun. we got stuck on the pirates of the caribbean ride, there was some kind of problem with it and we were sitting there for about 20 mins. they have added all these new bits into the ride from the movies, like jack sparrow... even an animatronic johnny depp is pretty hot! although i would definately not recommend eating at the restaurant thats in the ride, the blue bayou or whatever its called. way too overpriced (even for disney) for rubbish food. the haunted mansion was also a lot of fun. i want to go one christmas when they have it all set up like nightmare before christmas. i also really like spalsh mountain.

This was right after spash mountain, hence the wetness...
everyone in california seems to have a dog. especially in LA. this includes my friends who i stayed with, they had this cute little sheltie called scooter mcmooster. he's only about a year old and wants to play 24 hours a day.

pirate scooter

then after about 5 days in LA we got the bus to san diego. we pretty much spent most of our time at the comic con and one day at the zoo. san diego zoo was pretty cool, they have an amazing breeding programme so there were lots of baby animals, including a baby panda.

i really liked san diego, it was a nice city. although some things were a little too close to home for comfort... obviously they have never been to the elephant and castle, because otherwise they definately wouldn't have named a restaurant after it!

comic con was ok, although i could happily have only gone for one day and still have seen everything i wanted to see. after 3 days i was ready to kill the next storm trooper i saw. some of the costumes were just ridiculous... i mean since when did elektra weigh 250lbs or han solo have terrible acne? i mean really... besides all of the stupid costumes and socially inept people there was some cool stuff, like i met roman dirge and sid haig. oh and i met nathan jurevicius who is so cute... check out his stuff. i also met the tokidoki guy and bought these...

oh and i saw some clips from the new tarantino/rodriguez movie grindhouse. it looks pretty cool. as much as i hate tarantino... this looks like it was be one of the best movies of next year....
then after the comic con we went back up to LA for the last few days and stayed in venice. which was very noisy but still a lot of fun. there was a midget with no legs who went around on a skateboard who i would always see dancing outside my hotel at about 2am. there are a lot strange people in vencie...

i went to see clerks 2 in santa monica, it was a bit disappointing. but then again i'm not sure really why they felt the need to make a sequel. the first clerks is the only decent kevin smith film, and this is almost an exact copy... in colour with dante and randal looking old and fat. it was kinda sad.
one thing i have to say, i've been to the states a lot and it never ceases to amaze me the amount of overweight people you see, compared to here anyways. i mean not just chubby or fat, but clinically obese. it's kinda scary especially when you see loads of little kids who weigh more than me who live off junk and candy. i found myself craving vegetables a lot too. we ate out a lot and there is little vegetarian option unless you actually go to a veggie restaurant. and the veggie option usually seems to contain a lot of processed cheese... ugh i hate processed cheese. why eat something that it neon orange? i was relieved when we actually got the chance to go to a grocery store and buy some fruit!
overall, it was a fun trip. i just wish we hadn't gotten so sick for the first half. coming home sucked too, when you come back to reality and you just want to spend the rest of your life on holiday. i wish i was rich and had one of those big houses in the hollywood hills with a pool and spent my days travelling and shopping and reading....
anyway, i guess i will stop rambling now. i need more sleep.
another thing, did anyone else read about daniel radcliffe being in a west end production of equus? harry potter naked and mutilating horses... weird.

Dont get me started on children o n planes!!!
I got coverd in blisters on the 4th day, couldnt eat for almost two wks & my body was still on uk time. Lost return tickets on my friends part, lost luggage, delayed flights causing us to miss connecting ones, losing a pair of oakleys without wearing them
Still was worth it lol
Sorry to hear you got poorly sick, disgusting children. Love them but the breed germs like nothing else, yuk!! XXX