so, time for an update i guess.
seeing this was about the most exciting thing that has happened to me recently.
i went to see robots in disguise and noel fielding played bass for a couple of songs. he looked totally motley crue and was loving every minute of it.
i hate that i have started to feel so old whenever i go to a gig. i blame myspace. but at least it means there is never a very long queue at the bar...
i got glasses yesterday. staring at a computer for too long is bad for you. i will update with pics of my dorkiness when i look less hideous.
i went to see the king this week too, it was amazing. gael garcia bernal was so good in it. for someone whose first language isn't english to pull off a fairly plausible texan accent is quite impressive. the story was so fucked up though, but i liked how it was so strongly anti-religious. william hurt was good as the creepy pastor too. definately recommended.
i also had the misfortune of seeing match point, god it was awful. i can usually watch anything with jonathan rhys meyers in it. but not this tripe. i dunno where woody allen gets his ideas about how we live in london, but from the looks of it we are all extremely upper class. i liked scarlett johansson in lost in translation and ghost world, but recently i have completely gone off her, and she is laughable as the bunny boiler in this.
its only 6 weeks now until i go to LA and san diego. i can't wait. i got a brand new shiny pink suitcase yesterday. it's pretty
i should hopefully be going to see eddie izzard tomorrow night. he's at the comedy store, but tickets are first come first serve, so i will mostly be spending tomorrow sitting on the pavement patiently waiting to get my tickets. oh how i love eddie izzard.
is it wrong to find this man attractive?
i have been sucked into big brother and i hate myself for it. but i love pete so much. he has to win!
apparently geri halliwell has named her child bluebell madonna. oh dear. that kid is gonna get picked on.
um, thats all i can think of for now.
update: weird, about ten minutes after i posted this journal my flatmate phones me to tell me he is sitting next to gael in soho square. how jealous was i? VERY!
second update with boring quiz thing:
7 things......
7 Things to do before I die
- aquire some job satisfaction
- be happy
- get a puppy
- become independently wealthy
- travel around the world
- write a book
- learn to speak a foreign language
7 Things I cannot do
- eat meat
- sing
- be sociable
- pretend that i like someone
- abide stupidity
- sleep peacefully
- live without movies
7 Things I usually say
- okie dokie (i know its bad but it just comes out)
- cunt
- yeah
- so
- um
- bollocks
- like
7 Good Books
- women - bukowski
- choke - chuck palahniuk
- and the ass saw the angel - nick cave
- queer - buroughs
- drawing blood - poppy z brite
- american psycho - brett easton ellis
- visits from the drowned girl - steven sherrill
7 Good Movies
- Harold & Maude
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Jaws
- The Proposition
- My Neighbour Totoro
- Big Lebowski
- Amelie
i tag anyone who feels the need.
seeing this was about the most exciting thing that has happened to me recently.

i went to see robots in disguise and noel fielding played bass for a couple of songs. he looked totally motley crue and was loving every minute of it.
i hate that i have started to feel so old whenever i go to a gig. i blame myspace. but at least it means there is never a very long queue at the bar...
i got glasses yesterday. staring at a computer for too long is bad for you. i will update with pics of my dorkiness when i look less hideous.
i went to see the king this week too, it was amazing. gael garcia bernal was so good in it. for someone whose first language isn't english to pull off a fairly plausible texan accent is quite impressive. the story was so fucked up though, but i liked how it was so strongly anti-religious. william hurt was good as the creepy pastor too. definately recommended.

i also had the misfortune of seeing match point, god it was awful. i can usually watch anything with jonathan rhys meyers in it. but not this tripe. i dunno where woody allen gets his ideas about how we live in london, but from the looks of it we are all extremely upper class. i liked scarlett johansson in lost in translation and ghost world, but recently i have completely gone off her, and she is laughable as the bunny boiler in this.
its only 6 weeks now until i go to LA and san diego. i can't wait. i got a brand new shiny pink suitcase yesterday. it's pretty

i should hopefully be going to see eddie izzard tomorrow night. he's at the comedy store, but tickets are first come first serve, so i will mostly be spending tomorrow sitting on the pavement patiently waiting to get my tickets. oh how i love eddie izzard.

is it wrong to find this man attractive?
i have been sucked into big brother and i hate myself for it. but i love pete so much. he has to win!
apparently geri halliwell has named her child bluebell madonna. oh dear. that kid is gonna get picked on.
um, thats all i can think of for now.

update: weird, about ten minutes after i posted this journal my flatmate phones me to tell me he is sitting next to gael in soho square. how jealous was i? VERY!
second update with boring quiz thing:
7 things......
7 Things to do before I die
- aquire some job satisfaction
- be happy
- get a puppy
- become independently wealthy
- travel around the world
- write a book
- learn to speak a foreign language
7 Things I cannot do
- eat meat
- sing
- be sociable
- pretend that i like someone
- abide stupidity
- sleep peacefully
- live without movies
7 Things I usually say
- okie dokie (i know its bad but it just comes out)
- cunt
- yeah
- so
- um
- bollocks
- like
7 Good Books
- women - bukowski
- choke - chuck palahniuk
- and the ass saw the angel - nick cave
- queer - buroughs
- drawing blood - poppy z brite
- american psycho - brett easton ellis
- visits from the drowned girl - steven sherrill
7 Good Movies
- Harold & Maude
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Jaws
- The Proposition
- My Neighbour Totoro
- Big Lebowski
- Amelie
i tag anyone who feels the need.
Yes Pete to win Big brother-i had to give in and watch too!