so i have spent most of the weekend watching season 5 of six feet under. i kinda have a huge crush on lauren ambrose.
i also had to call the police today about the crazy lady. she has been getting worse and more unpredictable. i woke up this morning to find that she had scattered some kind of weird white and yellow powder all over the garden, and she had dug a huge hole and filled it with playing cards and broken glass. also on friday night she spent over 3 hours banging on the walls of her apartment. i was worried about being singled out by her if i complained but enough is enough. the police are supposed to be checking it out. if you have read any of my previous crazy lady journals you know that the police have been called out before, in fact when i phoned the local police station and they checked their file for previous complaints the guy i was talking to seemed shocked that she was back home... so we will see, basically she is like a time bomb and i just know something really bad is gonna happen before she gets permanantly removed. so i guess i will just have to wait and see what happens...
i've had a few phone calls about jobs and have a couple of interviews next week. i am kinda divded over whether or not i should take a break for a couple of weeks or whether i should just find a job straight away and spend my redundancy money on something useful. i dunno, i know what the most sensible option would be, but thats not always the most preferrable.
i wish i had something more exciting to update with.
here is a pic of my kitties enjoying the sunshine yesterday...

so i have spent most of the weekend watching season 5 of six feet under. i kinda have a huge crush on lauren ambrose.

i also had to call the police today about the crazy lady. she has been getting worse and more unpredictable. i woke up this morning to find that she had scattered some kind of weird white and yellow powder all over the garden, and she had dug a huge hole and filled it with playing cards and broken glass. also on friday night she spent over 3 hours banging on the walls of her apartment. i was worried about being singled out by her if i complained but enough is enough. the police are supposed to be checking it out. if you have read any of my previous crazy lady journals you know that the police have been called out before, in fact when i phoned the local police station and they checked their file for previous complaints the guy i was talking to seemed shocked that she was back home... so we will see, basically she is like a time bomb and i just know something really bad is gonna happen before she gets permanantly removed. so i guess i will just have to wait and see what happens...
i've had a few phone calls about jobs and have a couple of interviews next week. i am kinda divded over whether or not i should take a break for a couple of weeks or whether i should just find a job straight away and spend my redundancy money on something useful. i dunno, i know what the most sensible option would be, but thats not always the most preferrable.
i wish i had something more exciting to update with.
here is a pic of my kitties enjoying the sunshine yesterday...

wow I never knew lauren ambrose was so hot