Happy new year my friends! Hope you all had a WILD and SAFE time! Any resolutioners out there?
Here are just a few of mine :

1. Keep in touch/get back in touch with family and friends.
2. Right a few wrongs from years past.
3. Drink less wine. (this will be tough)
4. Keep my MP3 updated every month.

Does not seem too hard...
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Hi Cutie,
Left you another post at my place. Not sure I wanted to say all that but I did. whatever
Hey, it's me again. I'm enjoying this conversation. I look forward to your "mail" and smile smile whenever I read it. Traveling is fun for now. I'm hoping that in two years more or less I'll have all my debts paid off and be able to begin a "normal" life again. (Not sure I ever led a normal life confused ) I miss my kid's, but when I'm on the East Coast I see them about once a month. I've been in Baltimore, Boston and Jersey City so far, (Boston was so cool) but Bozeman is really far away. BTW, statistically 3 in 1000 patients expire 'on the table'. These are usually the sickest of the sick and are already at major medical center's. The hospital I am at now does about 250 cases a year, Jersey City did 10,000 in 6 labs. My turn for a question: Have you lived around the country much? I've seen quite a bit of it and although there are more beautiful places than Richmond those places are generally much more expensive to live in or there's no work to make a living. I've learned that the grass is not always greener. So, I intend to come back someday; as long as I can have air conditioning smile .
Anyone else going to be bombarded by family soon? I am. Stocking up on wine, and xanax. Just kidding, it is very nice to have them here, just exhausting.
Hope you all have a safe Holiday (if you observe) and Happy New Year!
HI CHiCka,

Nope not me, all my family has bit the dust, just gonna be me and my boyfriend for christmas. frown I still live in Memphis actually, (its a long story) of non-commintment from a 47-year-old. I am living out here in CA until my roomate has to move out of my house in Memphis..

I have been to Nashville a few times to see some hockey ggames. i like it a lot better than i do Memphis. you are in VA now, thats cool. I have a few relatives who aren't dead (but might as well be) who live in the Roanoke area.

Well,hope your holiday goes well, don't stress to much about those relatives!!
Almost Christmas and people are already grumpy. I racked up so many good Karma points today, just for letting pushy people merge!! I am so determined this year not to let the grumpy ones get to me. But part of me just wants to say "fuck you all". Ha Ha. wink
hope the midless dont make you grumpy.. your too lovely to be grumpy
wow you are very lovely! i see you are 30, and i am 29, I am not gay don't worry.. i just thought it was cool that we were the same age.

Samara is a name i have on one of my profiles myself. I got it off of the Ring. is that where you got your nickname or is that your real name?

well you are a friend of iamyourgodnow.. i really like him wink
Shit, its cold. I LOVE it. want someone to snuggle with sooooo bad. love
just trying to find my passport on mi way tongue yes it bloody cold frown
welcome to my little circle of friends hope i can keep ya entertained wink wink