Hi all.
I have always been one of those people that does not really sit still for 2 minutes together in the day (hence why I never get around to writting blogs on here so much). Today however, my plans have gone out of the window due to the horrid weather. I was going out, but don't want to take the young un out in the wind and rain.
To just go off on a tangent here. British water service people (AKA United Utilities) has just issued a 'crippling drought' warning for the coming spring and summer months, over here in England. Tha's right people, I said England! Austrailia, hotter deserty parts of USA, hot Mediterainian and Middle Eastern countries surely must roll around on the floor, holding their bellies, and laughing their sun-drenched arses off at the irony of such statments! I mean, come on United Utilities, COME! ON! This is England we're talking about! It never really ceases to bloody well rain!! What a feckin joke people!!!! We all know you like to screw people out of their hard earned coins, but seriously???? Just say 'lool, we are greedy corporate scumbags, who like to sit up here in our gold plated offices that have built in jaquzzies to help us with our high paying, high stress jobs and we want to KEEP our gold plated offices with the built in jaquzzies thank you very much, so will will just hike up you're water bill (just as if we make the water especially for you and like it's not your God given right as a creature on Eath to recieve it), so we can keep up the high life.'' This, would be much better for our poor little self esteems as we would then stop feeling like you think we're all idiots by treating us like idots and telling us, here in wetter than wet land that we are facing a 'crippling drought''!!!
Ahhhh......Thats off my chest now. I feel much better
So. It's raining, and I am stuck at home, and I am feeling pretty bored. I wish I had someone to play Nintendo with......Yawn......
On a happier note. 2 weeks today, I am going on my holidays to another rainy country. Southern Ireland. The land of Guiness, crackin folk music, the fittest accents on the planet (Dublin....phwoar!!), soda bread (yum) and extremely down to Earth people. I am going for a week and am going to place an add on SGPhotgrpher Hopefus Group page, to see if there are any lovely Irish photogrphers that will be in the Roscommon area of Ireland around 8th to 13th March. Anyone?? Wanna Shoot a set with me?? I wont moan about the stupid crppling drought in Enland, I promise
I'll keep ya all posted on that one.
Till the next time then, I am off to watch some paint dry (which is probably immpossible in such a damp place as England....Hint hint water peeps!). Have fun guys, and see ya soon.
Oh, I really ought to mention my upcoming set 'Devils Blood', before I rush off
It was shot by the beautiful TuttyFruity and it's in MR on the 7th March, so please done forget to give me some love. Here is a little taster

I have always been one of those people that does not really sit still for 2 minutes together in the day (hence why I never get around to writting blogs on here so much). Today however, my plans have gone out of the window due to the horrid weather. I was going out, but don't want to take the young un out in the wind and rain.
To just go off on a tangent here. British water service people (AKA United Utilities) has just issued a 'crippling drought' warning for the coming spring and summer months, over here in England. Tha's right people, I said England! Austrailia, hotter deserty parts of USA, hot Mediterainian and Middle Eastern countries surely must roll around on the floor, holding their bellies, and laughing their sun-drenched arses off at the irony of such statments! I mean, come on United Utilities, COME! ON! This is England we're talking about! It never really ceases to bloody well rain!! What a feckin joke people!!!! We all know you like to screw people out of their hard earned coins, but seriously???? Just say 'lool, we are greedy corporate scumbags, who like to sit up here in our gold plated offices that have built in jaquzzies to help us with our high paying, high stress jobs and we want to KEEP our gold plated offices with the built in jaquzzies thank you very much, so will will just hike up you're water bill (just as if we make the water especially for you and like it's not your God given right as a creature on Eath to recieve it), so we can keep up the high life.'' This, would be much better for our poor little self esteems as we would then stop feeling like you think we're all idiots by treating us like idots and telling us, here in wetter than wet land that we are facing a 'crippling drought''!!!
Ahhhh......Thats off my chest now. I feel much better

So. It's raining, and I am stuck at home, and I am feeling pretty bored. I wish I had someone to play Nintendo with......Yawn......
On a happier note. 2 weeks today, I am going on my holidays to another rainy country. Southern Ireland. The land of Guiness, crackin folk music, the fittest accents on the planet (Dublin....phwoar!!), soda bread (yum) and extremely down to Earth people. I am going for a week and am going to place an add on SGPhotgrpher Hopefus Group page, to see if there are any lovely Irish photogrphers that will be in the Roscommon area of Ireland around 8th to 13th March. Anyone?? Wanna Shoot a set with me?? I wont moan about the stupid crppling drought in Enland, I promise

Till the next time then, I am off to watch some paint dry (which is probably immpossible in such a damp place as England....Hint hint water peeps!). Have fun guys, and see ya soon.
Oh, I really ought to mention my upcoming set 'Devils Blood', before I rush off

Hope your day was more fun then watching paint dry.