Hi there all,
So, I wake up this morning, and the North of England is covered in a layer of frost! I have a photoshoot today (and I was kinda hoping on getting naked for a set for here in SG land.....But I will freeze!
My home is not suitable, and I don't have another indoor location. But I really wanted to take my time this time and try and get it semi right (I have not managed so far, as I have had pretty low percentages on my first 2 sets). So far, the have all been rushed as its a cold winter here in England and I have shot outside everytime.
There are nice studios around here, but its tough to come up with an interesting theme to go against a plain background.
Nevermind, we end up just doing a fashion shoot, and I'll have to keep my clothes on! Haha!

My ;ast studio shoot was just for a photographer's portfolio.....But I remember how warm I was.......Ahhhh...
This was about 4 months ago


So, I wake up this morning, and the North of England is covered in a layer of frost! I have a photoshoot today (and I was kinda hoping on getting naked for a set for here in SG land.....But I will freeze!
My home is not suitable, and I don't have another indoor location. But I really wanted to take my time this time and try and get it semi right (I have not managed so far, as I have had pretty low percentages on my first 2 sets). So far, the have all been rushed as its a cold winter here in England and I have shot outside everytime.
There are nice studios around here, but its tough to come up with an interesting theme to go against a plain background.
Nevermind, we end up just doing a fashion shoot, and I'll have to keep my clothes on! Haha!

My ;ast studio shoot was just for a photographer's portfolio.....But I remember how warm I was.......Ahhhh...
This was about 4 months ago

Not one to suffer faliure however, I am putting together another set, and am going to try the more 'classic' glamour approach. If at first you don't succeed and all that.........