If you've been following this blog, you know that on November 9th I had an interview. Four days later (1 business day later) they got back to me with a job offer! They said I was the first of the lot to be given an offer, and the decision on their part was easy and unanimous. It feels good to be wanted. I was really impressed by the people who interviewed me. They were knowledgeable yet not intimidating, in fact, they were just the opposite. They were very good at making me feel confortable. It was in part that reason that I delivered the best presentation I have ever given. I was energetic, dynamic, enthusiastic and I waved my arms alot! I knew they wanted me as soon as I was done. It was just like hitting a baseball square on the sweet spot and knowing it was leaving the park! Afterwards, I was taken out to dinner at a steak house where I proceeded to order the 20 oz T-bone. It was melt-in-your mouth delicious. I have dreams about it. Anyhow, it looks like they have bought my love. If I take this job, and I probably will, I'll have to move to Calgary (boo), but the money is (really) good, the benefits are everything one could ask for, and the training offered is second to none. I think my job search is done...sorry bigbadjames, maybe I'll try my hand at hard rock geology again in a couple of years, but it will cost a bigger steak

See you in a couple weeks dude. Have a good xmas and stuff!