So yeah. Life is shit. School is shit and work would be shit...but I guess I don't have work anymore. I hate working. It's's like learning another language. I've been influenced my interpol for the last couple days. That's all I will listen too. It's all I want to listen to. My head won't take anything else. Unless they are the dears and I am driving. Anyways back to my shitty life. What else can I say? Dream boy sucks my anus.
Whatever who cares. I am going to devote myself to getting to know me. Learning me inside out? Am I pathetic because I have given up on the outside shell? What the hell I am talking about? Who is even reading this? No one. So who cares. Whoa I am self loathing. Not me. How the hell did people write concert reports? This is what's wrong with my life. Concert reports. I hate them. I am gonna post a picture of me on here. I don't look like this anymore. I went back to black and I have my left nostril pierced. Nothing big but none the less, I don't look like that anymore.Oh wait, it won't work because my pictures are too big. Oh well. So I will just put some silent film star who I think is the essence of beauty. I need some clothes. I hate it on msn when people have their names like "I LOVE YOU! I WILL NEVeR FIND A LOVE SWEETER THEN YOU" I find it most pathetic. But then again she is an adolescent. AND I AM SO MUCH BETTER AHAHAHAHAHAHA
I want to be tied up and gagged. Argh. I hate university. This whole entry has been of me hating things. Why? I don't even hate that much. Just Concert Reports. And things that don't work out. Like Concert Reports. Would you rather be shot in the heart? Or stabbed in the stomach? Well okay How about shot in the leg where an artery runs? or stabbed in the heart? Which one? I would want to get stabbed in the heart. And watch the blood leak out of me as it stains my shirt. OOOOOOOOOOOOOKAY. I am scaring myself. I am not going to delete it either. I don't care. Her stories are boring and stuff, shes always calling my bluff. I like that line in Obstacle 1. Good one. I like this song. I am just writing so I don't have to do my concert report. Whoa I am a loser. "She walks away" Yeah it's from this song folks! I gained weight. I should stop eating. I wonder if steph left yet to go work out. ARGH. Okay I am just blabbing now.