today was an average day. It is about to rain here and I think I might sit in the storm once it starts. I got criticized by my regional manager today and had my feelings hurt-whatever, I always do my best and the shit he commented about was not even a big deal. Basically I didn't want to be in the dining room where he was because he made me nervous...sooooo, I got a bad comment about not being around and attentive enough. Double edged sword, I suppose. Whatever-I make 2 dollars an hour, he can go to hell
I just finished watching the news, so I am depressed and sleepy-I wish the world was a better place, then perhaps I could watch the news without being so saddened. Oh well. I am going to go get the mail-(I'm making it sound like a huge trip-our post box is out in the hallway of the apartment building)
I just finished watching the news, so I am depressed and sleepy-I wish the world was a better place, then perhaps I could watch the news without being so saddened. Oh well. I am going to go get the mail-(I'm making it sound like a huge trip-our post box is out in the hallway of the apartment building)
2 dollars an hour is ridiculous, tips or no tips. Thats why i dont work around people anymore!