Well, first week of school is down. Two of my classes seem pretty simple, but the English Composition is gonna kick my posterior. Not only did the school tell me the wrong books, which means I have to scramble to get the right ones, but the teacher is using the school's sight to get us assignments, which I was having problems getting onto (and still might, I'll see when I log out and try to log back in). Its gonna be a lot of introspective writing, which I'm not good at. First in class assignment was to write about a problem in which we attempted to talk our way out of it, and were given five minutes to do so. I figured out what to write about right about the time the teacher told us to start wrapping up... So I'm starting off poorly in a class which is graded subjectively.
Anyway, I have to go do homework. At least most of my homework will be fairly easy. Guess I should star with the posterior-kicking assignment that's due, by e-mail, at 1700 hours, local. Which I don't want to. Which is why I ended up dropping out of high school. Where's a D.I. (Drill Instructor, for all the non-Marines out there) when you need one?