As you can probably tell, I'm not a blogger. Never understood the fascination with telling the world your life... But then I don't have a life, so maybe it'll help? OK, maybe not. Don't expect me to keep up with this.
ANYway, I just relocated from Humboldt County, Ca to Portland, OR. And by just, I and my compatriots spent about a month living in hotels until we found an apartment. On top of that, the two other working members of my party (there's four total) found jobs within a week or two, and I'm still unemployed. Not that I'm too concerned. Either I find something, or I start college on the GI Bill in January. Still, I hate being the last to find gainful employment. Piece of advice, apparently its easier for a thirty-something man to find a job as a cook than as a server, at least in Portland. From what I've seen, the easiest way to be a server here is to be a woman. Preferably with cleavage. (Not necessarily a lot of cleavage, just a willingness to show what you have.) An as I have no experience in the kitchen, and no one is willing to teach a noob, I'm putting in for any shit job I can find. Although, apparently, even Taco Hell doesn't consider me worthy... Yeesh.
Of course, my life doesn't totally suck. My friend/compatriots/roommates are willing to carry me for a bit, primarily because it was my credit that got us a place. And I'm the one incurring debt to pay for the initial investment. So my way is payed until I get to college.
Well, onward to Craigslist, I suppose.