I need a hair cut. Its too long to do anything and it always goes into side parting, so I look like a seventies asian gigolo. Actualy that could be a good look, no no must not succumb to my wild flirtations with fashion statements. I have made many a mistake, like the time I grew a handlebar moustache during the shit period of growing my hair long a year a go. It ended up I am told of me looking like Charles Bronson (the actor not the killer!!)
Charles Bronson

Yes, I know I looked like him above at the age of 22 years on this earth, Can't find the pic but will for you also to ridicule. For a year working at a pub I was known as charles or charlie, I kept it for one week in determination against the ridicule. Some people even thought it was my name. My word a asian deathwish movie may be made into a bollywood movie if I ever make the mistake again
Charles Bronson

Yes, I know I looked like him above at the age of 22 years on this earth, Can't find the pic but will for you also to ridicule. For a year working at a pub I was known as charles or charlie, I kept it for one week in determination against the ridicule. Some people even thought it was my name. My word a asian deathwish movie may be made into a bollywood movie if I ever make the mistake again
i hope your feeling a little more rested now after helping your mate move.
i've got all that to do soon - i'm really not looking forward to it, apart from the fact i dont actually have anywhere to move to!
rock n roll
had a rock n roll week!!!!!