Ugh so hung over. Girl nite out lastnight was fucking awesome. I havent chilled and got along with that many girls in a long time.
And then I got in this humongus(sp?) fight with my bf type dealy and pffft now thatz over. I am in so much hate right now, I could blow up *bites head off rat*
HAHAHAHAH Ya right my poor Mona *kisses her rat*
Anyblaze Im off to drop off some overdue movies xoxoxoxoxox
And then I got in this humongus(sp?) fight with my bf type dealy and pffft now thatz over. I am in so much hate right now, I could blow up *bites head off rat*
HAHAHAHAH Ya right my poor Mona *kisses her rat*

Anyblaze Im off to drop off some overdue movies xoxoxoxoxox
You're beautiful!
and just keep on repeating....... because it just might be true!