I have finally Graduated the fucking IB program.
I graduated on friday had a balst my mom had palnd my reseption witch was by the way the coolest thing ever all pink and funky. Lotts and Lots of Champain and wine. And ovcorse a hole bunsh of beuteful gifts.
I think I have every thing I need now to move away from this hell holle.
The funy thing is whan peopel aske me how I feel now that I am free, and all I can think is I'm Fucking treerfid. I men what if I cant get in to the universety I applide to, or I dont get a apartment or what if I hate the town I'm moving to. But at tha same time I have to Think That it will work out in the end.
every thing allwyas do.
for now I will leve you with som pic from my graduation
I have finally Graduated the fucking IB program.
I graduated on friday had a balst my mom had palnd my reseption witch was by the way the coolest thing ever all pink and funky. Lotts and Lots of Champain and wine. And ovcorse a hole bunsh of beuteful gifts.
I think I have every thing I need now to move away from this hell holle.
The funy thing is whan peopel aske me how I feel now that I am free, and all I can think is I'm Fucking treerfid. I men what if I cant get in to the universety I applide to, or I dont get a apartment or what if I hate the town I'm moving to. But at tha same time I have to Think That it will work out in the end.
every thing allwyas do.
for now I will leve you with som pic from my graduation

Hope this dose of radioactive fairydust from the toxic land of the undead was enough to keep you satisfied until the next mutation.
so beautiful make up !!! and u too of course !