see my life is sooo boring right now I don't have the mony for a new tattoo and I don't have the time to get a job as my finnal exams are coming up...
And on the top of it all I'm frecking out thinking I will faill every thing. And if I do I don't get my Diploma and I will haev to re tack in a year..
That would men no moving out and no universety no independens no fredum, no life, and another year of this hell...
I relly have to study...
ooo. P.S look in at my darling frinde PussyCattyCat She is new...
here is sonmthing fun...enyoy
me post alcohol.
thank you and good night
And on the top of it all I'm frecking out thinking I will faill every thing. And if I do I don't get my Diploma and I will haev to re tack in a year..
That would men no moving out and no universety no independens no fredum, no life, and another year of this hell...
I relly have to study...
ooo. P.S look in at my darling frinde PussyCattyCat She is new...
here is sonmthing fun...enyoy
me post alcohol.
thank you and good night
Och lycka till med pluggandet, jag vet hur jobbigt det kan vara...