In my humble opinion, the Pope's recent reaffirmation of his ban on condoms (during his visit in Africa) further proves his irrelevance.
Sub-Saharan Africa has been hit harder by AIDS and HIV than any other region of the world, and yet this man has the arrogance and ignorance to continue the Vatican's ban on condom use.
More than 22 million people in sub-Saharan Africa are infected with HIV, according to a 2008 UNAIDS/WHO report. Nine out of 10 children with HIV in the world live in the region.
I'm sorry your Holiness, but the Catholic Church's Archaic way of thinking is NOT helping these matter how much you may get them to pray.
Sub-Saharan Africa has been hit harder by AIDS and HIV than any other region of the world, and yet this man has the arrogance and ignorance to continue the Vatican's ban on condom use.
More than 22 million people in sub-Saharan Africa are infected with HIV, according to a 2008 UNAIDS/WHO report. Nine out of 10 children with HIV in the world live in the region.
I'm sorry your Holiness, but the Catholic Church's Archaic way of thinking is NOT helping these matter how much you may get them to pray.