In trying my best to remain positive, I'd like to think that the current economic crisis has AT LEAST forced myself and others to abandon our "what'd ya get me?" attitude toward Christmas and focus on what's truly important... spending time with the people you love.
On that note; I am looking forward to tomorrow! I'll start my day early, driving up to Redlands to visit with my gal's family, then at noon we'll head out to Arizona to visit my parents. My sister and her family are coming out as well, and I think it's going to be great. Luckily, my folks live in NE Arizona in a high enough elevation for snow.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday, regardless of your religious beliefs, as well as a happy new year.
On that note; I am looking forward to tomorrow! I'll start my day early, driving up to Redlands to visit with my gal's family, then at noon we'll head out to Arizona to visit my parents. My sister and her family are coming out as well, and I think it's going to be great. Luckily, my folks live in NE Arizona in a high enough elevation for snow.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday, regardless of your religious beliefs, as well as a happy new year.

A very Merry Christmas to you, Sir.