SG has lost a fan. This is the end of an era for me. What I've read has convinced me to no longer support this company. Those of you who know me know that I've supported heartily to the models at Bar Sinister. This support will continue. It is not their fault that they work for such an asinine company. Those who know me very well know that I've been behind the scenes supporting hopefuls, paying for tattoos, piercings, travel, accommodations, transportation, hopeful sets, emotional support, rent, bills... ect. Whatever was needed to provide the chance at a better life. Unfortunately I cannot continue to promote Suicide Girls so as of today I will be looking for a different platform to support.
I will not bash anyone. There was wrong doing on both sides and valid points on both sides. I wholeheartedly agree that there needs to be change within the ranks of Suicide Girls. This antiquated site needs a complete revamp. I understand that everyone spoke with emotion and genuine feelings... but the one thing missing was tactfullness. Keep it classy Suicide Girls.
There was much speculation that Penny has been picking the sets. This is untrue. Sean handpicks the models he wants to promote his company. It's not a question of likes or comments. The model is chosen, given to a staff photographer to recruit and photograph & turned pink. I have it in writing. This is how a business is run. Make waves and you'll end up archived as we have seen in the past few days. This is not right... but it's a cold hard fact. Spend tens of thousands of dollars, blood, sweat and tears... a good portion of your life only to find out one man ruled the world.
To all the friends I have made, I hope we continue our friendships. To any enemies I've made, I'm sorry. To any future relationships, I'm happy to meet you and support you in any way I can... just not in this site. If I'm archived, so be it. See you all in the funny papers.