After talking to a girl at work yesterday, I come to think that I have missed so much. She is only 18 and seems to have done things that I never even came close to doing. She told me that she worked with her father and can do finishing carpentry. I can hardly swing a hammer. She also seems to have so much more of her life together at 18 than I did at 26.
Also at the age of 18 she has done so much more sexually than any other person I know. She says to have had two threesomes already, including one with her best friend and her boy friend. I dont even think that my friends would think about having one and that is just fine. I know my friends are so much more concerned about what other people seem to think of them and that can drive me crazy. I dont want to have a threesome with any of my friends, but they seem so out of touch with other people that I meet.
Please excuse this, but Im just feeling old and out of touch. I mean I would change my friends for anything in the world, but because we all know each other from school, I think that if had to do it all over again, I would do it differently.
Also at the age of 18 she has done so much more sexually than any other person I know. She says to have had two threesomes already, including one with her best friend and her boy friend. I dont even think that my friends would think about having one and that is just fine. I know my friends are so much more concerned about what other people seem to think of them and that can drive me crazy. I dont want to have a threesome with any of my friends, but they seem so out of touch with other people that I meet.
Please excuse this, but Im just feeling old and out of touch. I mean I would change my friends for anything in the world, but because we all know each other from school, I think that if had to do it all over again, I would do it differently.
ehh, just cause you've never gotten freaky within a group setting doesn't mean you're out of touch. it's just not a comfortable setting for some people. personally, i'm not sure i'd know what to do with so many limbs and sexual organs entangled. so don't feel bad.
i know how you feel - sometimes i feel old and out of touch and wish i did things that i haven't. but there's still time to go out and go crazy and do what you want. don't worry about the past, worry about making the present better. =]