Haven't blogged in AAAAAGES. I've been so busy with this, that and el otro. I'm tired now tongue But that won't stop me...since when has tiredness ever slowed me down. I'm an artiste...what am I if not hardy (heh heh)
Competitions for singing, performances to devise, Antigone to star in...wow, this is one busy time. And my family's moving to Australia next month. "Holla out to...
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I thought, since this was my first day on the SG website, that I would have something inspired and poetic to say.

Sadly, no.

Instead, my mind is filled with ideas for stories, poems, setups that I want to try, performances that are really soon...

I'm sorry, I kinda wish I had something good to say. Something that could and would change the world the...
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Welcome to the site!

Don't worry too much about coming up with anything earthshaking. I've been here for something like 3 years now and I haven't come up with much beyond a good (if kind of gross) anecdote about the goings-on in the mens' room near the Toronto bus terminal.

The bar's not really set all that high 'round these parts. smile
Welcome! I would say something equally poetic, but as I am currently ill I am afraid its not possible. Have fun though