So iv been a member now for a few days and am so far loving it! However there's a few nagging things annoying me about the site, for one it seems really buggy on my phone which is annoying because I tend to not use our laptop at all as it usually takes about a day to turn on. The other thing that bugs me is that on my relationship status I can't put that I'm married.
I know this isn't a huge deal but it's something I'm immensely proud of and kinda wanna shout about. Not because I want to scare people off talking to me or anything like that just because in every aspect of my life be it career, house, financial state etc I know there is always room for improvement. Whereas with my marriage it is absolutely perfect! We have no issues and if we did we wouldn't for long!
We are completely open and honest with each other and are both not in the slightest bit jealous or overbearing.
I love this woman to bits!!
So new friends meet my wife @maggie_fracture :D