Hello all, this is my first time writing a blog on this site. I've been on here for a little while now, although i've wanted to be a member for years I just never joined, but now im a member (well I have been for a little while lol) and I Love this site. The girls are incredible (thats to be expected) but theres so much more on here. I enjoy the fact that theres finally a site that includes news headlines that most sites would not post, and everyone speaks their minds on here and thats of great pride to me. So for all those on this site with open minds, hearts, and mouths, I thank you for letting me be part of this. =]]]
More Blogs
Sunday Oct 28, 2012
I feel like the biggest idiot in the world, like I'm the lead charact… -
Thursday Feb 16, 2012
Finally submitted my FAFSA and applied to culinary/pastry school. I'm… -
Tuesday Sep 13, 2011
Read More -
Friday Sep 02, 2011
So, my Star Wars sleeve is 95% completed and I'm at a stand still. Ei… -
Tuesday May 10, 2011
Getting down to the last bits of open space left on my arm and I'm ru… -
Monday Feb 28, 2011
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Monday Nov 01, 2010
Finally getting around to watching "The Walking Dead" premiere. Right… -
Sunday Oct 31, 2010
Finished off Darker Than Black, hoping that next season is just as go… -
Wednesday Oct 13, 2010
Started "Darker Than Black" and will probably finish it either tonigh… -
Friday Oct 01, 2010
What do you do when you feel like you're In Love with a married woman…