I had to wear my brace today. I can't remember if I explained that or not, but about a year and a half ago I stretched and tore the ligaments in my left ankle. It took way too long to heal (geez, don't doctors know when they're supposed to give you Prednisone?) and every so often my ankle is aggrevated and I have to wear my big old stupid plastic brace.
Work = grrrr. I won't go into it.
P.S. I bought new shirts and new eyeshadow (yay MAC) this weekend. I swear, I wasn't this much of a girl a year ago.
Work = grrrr. I won't go into it.
P.S. I bought new shirts and new eyeshadow (yay MAC) this weekend. I swear, I wasn't this much of a girl a year ago.
I still had the hots for her, though. My god she was beautiful.
For me work = prison
Thanks for the hug, though. Really need one these days. Actually I need a drink.