I wonder if I could get away with adding a few blue streaks to my hair, kinda hidden underneath. Working at a department store sucks like that, but hey, I got a raise this week.
I could've had my set done last Friday if it weren't for the evil bleeding monster. I want to shoot it myself, but sometimes I wish I could just have someone shoot for me.
The other night I dreamt I was playing piano and singing, and through some twist of events I found myself doing it in front of an audience...and then I woke up. I don't play piano, I don't know how. I used to sing a lot (choir geek), but my parents never supported my persuit in music, and in fact I got in trouble for being in choir in the first place. I still hope to learn how to play piano eventually, though. It's like, in my blood, hard to describe. When I listen to music my fingers move on their own.
I haven't updated in a few days because 1) nothing really to write about, and 2) haven't felt so great. I called work yesterday morning and said I'd be 2 hours late because I wasn't keeping food down, and I thought I'd feel better and be able to finish the other 5 hours of my shift if I just got to lie down some more. I couldn't go to work when I was feeling that sick, and yet I couldn't afford to use a sick day.
Anywho, by the time I got home I was keeping food down, but I had a terrible headache. I went to bed before 11pm, and anyone who knows me knows that almost never happens, I prefer a bedtime of 1-4 am (partially depending on if I have work the next day or not). Woke up at 1, got a drink of water, went back to bed. Got up at 2, turned the computer on, took some ibuprofen (because my headache was a good 10 times as worse and I couldn't even lie still), lied down on my bed for just a second while my computer started up...and woke up at 5:30. Piddled around on the computer, went back to bed at 6:15 or so. Woke back up around 10, turned the computer back on (I turn it off if I'm not using it, unless if I fall asleep during startup), piddled, crawled back into bed, felt lonely, piddled, repeat ad nauseum.
It's going to be a very slow crawl to August. Cutiepants (aka my bestest guy friend) and I need to set something up and meet once he gets back to school. I owe him like, a gillion cuddles. (And keep it to yourselves, you perverts.
Once I get off my lazy butt and take a shower and get dressed, I'll try to post a new picture or two. Jeph of Questionable Content needs pics of people wearing his shirts for the merch page, and I plan on wearing one of my 4 QC shirts today (it's light purple and says "TEH", and my other three are the "Aerodynamically Curvaceous" at the left, Pintsize with "Computers are our friends" beneath him, and the sad guitar shirt).
I could've had my set done last Friday if it weren't for the evil bleeding monster. I want to shoot it myself, but sometimes I wish I could just have someone shoot for me.
The other night I dreamt I was playing piano and singing, and through some twist of events I found myself doing it in front of an audience...and then I woke up. I don't play piano, I don't know how. I used to sing a lot (choir geek), but my parents never supported my persuit in music, and in fact I got in trouble for being in choir in the first place. I still hope to learn how to play piano eventually, though. It's like, in my blood, hard to describe. When I listen to music my fingers move on their own.
I haven't updated in a few days because 1) nothing really to write about, and 2) haven't felt so great. I called work yesterday morning and said I'd be 2 hours late because I wasn't keeping food down, and I thought I'd feel better and be able to finish the other 5 hours of my shift if I just got to lie down some more. I couldn't go to work when I was feeling that sick, and yet I couldn't afford to use a sick day.
Anywho, by the time I got home I was keeping food down, but I had a terrible headache. I went to bed before 11pm, and anyone who knows me knows that almost never happens, I prefer a bedtime of 1-4 am (partially depending on if I have work the next day or not). Woke up at 1, got a drink of water, went back to bed. Got up at 2, turned the computer on, took some ibuprofen (because my headache was a good 10 times as worse and I couldn't even lie still), lied down on my bed for just a second while my computer started up...and woke up at 5:30. Piddled around on the computer, went back to bed at 6:15 or so. Woke back up around 10, turned the computer back on (I turn it off if I'm not using it, unless if I fall asleep during startup), piddled, crawled back into bed, felt lonely, piddled, repeat ad nauseum.
It's going to be a very slow crawl to August. Cutiepants (aka my bestest guy friend) and I need to set something up and meet once he gets back to school. I owe him like, a gillion cuddles. (And keep it to yourselves, you perverts.

Once I get off my lazy butt and take a shower and get dressed, I'll try to post a new picture or two. Jeph of Questionable Content needs pics of people wearing his shirts for the merch page, and I plan on wearing one of my 4 QC shirts today (it's light purple and says "TEH", and my other three are the "Aerodynamically Curvaceous" at the left, Pintsize with "Computers are our friends" beneath him, and the sad guitar shirt).
thank you though