Well once again someone renewed this account for me. Thanks, whoever you are.
Well I am back. Someone was kind enough to reactivate my account. I have no idea who it was but thank you whoever you are.
Welcome back. smile
Today was a very bad day.

Today I had to put my cat to sleep.

I'm still very sad but I am feeling better than I was.

I feel like I should say more but I don't know what to say.
So I have not updated things in quite some time.

Work is the same as ever. They have been brining in more people and adding new work stations this is all good things.

I am going to be running a Dark Ages: Vampire game here soon. I am hoping to get togther with my players soon to make characters.

Tizzy's birthday wa earlier this month...
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Dude bruce campbell!!
Well things could be going better, of course they could be going much worse. It just seems like when ever I start to make some progress in life something comes along to wipe that out.

Things will work out it is just frustrating in the mean time.
What's up man?
Well my hard drive finally died a horrible noisy death.
This is after I have finished replacing my data after the last time. I am planning on upgrading my computer anyway so it isn't huge but still a pain. Well my yearly review is coming up in another week or so and hopefully I will get a raise and be able to afford upgrading my...
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News from the world of me.

Work is as silly as ever. I am hoping to get them to pay me more money but i am not holding out hope.

Tizzy has decided that she wants to get her driver's license back. We are going to be paying off the money she owes to Oregon this month. Hopefully when she can drive she will be...
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Zomg! posting!

Sorry; didn't have much to say, just shocked is all.
I'm sure they'd be happy to hose you off.
It has been forever since I updated. Not much has been going on really. I got to see my brother other Christmas and that was cool. I picked up some cool books over the holiday. I picked up A Feast for Crows, Eldest and a book of Robert Howard Conan stories wich should be cool.

I am due for my yearly review at work, I...
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I will believe it when I see it; but be happy when it happens.
So wow is my life boring.

My Serenity comics came in a days ago and I really want more. I guess it is a good thing that the movie comes out in a few days.

I am building the beginning structure for a game I want to run. So today i have been trying to think of reasons for China and the U.S. to go...
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Do you read this anymore?