i came up with a metaphor for myself the other day...
all of us are birds. some fall out of the nest into the muddy ground below and some of us stay perched up on the tree we were hatched. when the day comes that we do explore outside the nest, some stay on the branches and hop around up there until they can fly away. but, then there are some who lose their balance or are shoved out of the nest and fall into the muddy ground below and remain stuck their. those who fall have a choice - to flap and kick until they are freed and can fly away, or stay, cry, and starve or be eaten by the mud that surrounds you or by allowing the animals that come in contact with you find you and destroy you. i fell into the pit surroundings that are what my life is. there was a time when i did stop fighting, but i now fight everyday those surroundings and feelings that are constantly trying to consume me. it isn't easy, but i know that some day i will fly away, and when i do i will fly high and far. i do this for myself, for the pride i can later take in knowing i made it to the sky. i will help those that i can to reach the sky as well, but i don't love myself, and i am not doing this for anyone else. i do it to prove to everyone/thing that i can do everything that 'could' be done. so that some day i can feel good about myself and my life. i may only accomplish becoming a great hairstylist, and hopefully also a great father, but as long as i can become one thing that others consider great, i will die a happy man. and i will die when i die, i will not selfishly take my life as i once wanted to. fuck that stupid shit. i will try as best i can, and do what i can with the time i have. i am an optimist. all of you who are afraid to get hurt who are pessimists can be how you are, but i'm not afraid. you may say its a bit masochistic to be an optimist, setting yourself up for a failure/miss fortune, but i can take it. i am a man who may die tomorrow, but atleast i will die with love in my heart for the world, instead of worry or hatred. ....i have so much love/compassion to give in this world that needs it so much. it makes me sad that i can't give more. perhaps when i'm flying i'll be able to better share.
all of us are birds. some fall out of the nest into the muddy ground below and some of us stay perched up on the tree we were hatched. when the day comes that we do explore outside the nest, some stay on the branches and hop around up there until they can fly away. but, then there are some who lose their balance or are shoved out of the nest and fall into the muddy ground below and remain stuck their. those who fall have a choice - to flap and kick until they are freed and can fly away, or stay, cry, and starve or be eaten by the mud that surrounds you or by allowing the animals that come in contact with you find you and destroy you. i fell into the pit surroundings that are what my life is. there was a time when i did stop fighting, but i now fight everyday those surroundings and feelings that are constantly trying to consume me. it isn't easy, but i know that some day i will fly away, and when i do i will fly high and far. i do this for myself, for the pride i can later take in knowing i made it to the sky. i will help those that i can to reach the sky as well, but i don't love myself, and i am not doing this for anyone else. i do it to prove to everyone/thing that i can do everything that 'could' be done. so that some day i can feel good about myself and my life. i may only accomplish becoming a great hairstylist, and hopefully also a great father, but as long as i can become one thing that others consider great, i will die a happy man. and i will die when i die, i will not selfishly take my life as i once wanted to. fuck that stupid shit. i will try as best i can, and do what i can with the time i have. i am an optimist. all of you who are afraid to get hurt who are pessimists can be how you are, but i'm not afraid. you may say its a bit masochistic to be an optimist, setting yourself up for a failure/miss fortune, but i can take it. i am a man who may die tomorrow, but atleast i will die with love in my heart for the world, instead of worry or hatred. ....i have so much love/compassion to give in this world that needs it so much. it makes me sad that i can't give more. perhaps when i'm flying i'll be able to better share.
hope you have a fun weekend

nice theory, ill memorize that