i was supposed to get sloshed tonight, but oh no, my friend had to bail and go home and leave me with our other friend and her roommate.
i had 3 drinks and a shot. got me a little tipsy.
i'm just tired now. i'm gonna go to sleep. hopefully i'll have an interesting dream. i'll let you all know if its a wet one, or if i just pee myself in my sleep.

i had 3 drinks and a shot. got me a little tipsy.
i'm just tired now. i'm gonna go to sleep. hopefully i'll have an interesting dream. i'll let you all know if its a wet one, or if i just pee myself in my sleep.

If it's a wet dream, please tell all. Although if you happen to just piss yerself, well we don't need to hear about that.

i had a dream.... that i slept in this morning. hah.