I am in utter rapture.
I can not escape this heat.
Drawing me within.... this unsettling sleep.
Cruel irony, wicked fate
unleash thy torment
repair my gate.
I know not why, I feel this way
inside I burn, everyday.
overwhelming senses flow
down my thighs and I know
if this continues.... along this path
I will have become.... a.... sociopath.
Lick the wrist
set it...
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I can not escape this heat.
Drawing me within.... this unsettling sleep.
Cruel irony, wicked fate
unleash thy torment
repair my gate.
I know not why, I feel this way
inside I burn, everyday.
overwhelming senses flow
down my thighs and I know
if this continues.... along this path
I will have become.... a.... sociopath.
Lick the wrist
set it...
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Inflamed in Tragedy, a Broken Heart.
Current mood: contemplative
Why did it have to end the way that it did. Enemies are we now.
Oh, so many times I've hated. Succeeded even...
Yet one glimpse past this pride, and I wilt.
He is poison incarnate.
Deceptive in his sweetness.
And yet, besides the hateful songs and disrespectful comments I look past that... to the person...
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you really are dazzling in your speach. so eloquent and vivd. i feel what you feel.
ex bandmate?
want me to punch him? i totally will.
miss you butt loads!
ex bandmate?
want me to punch him? i totally will.
miss you butt loads!
So many things to do/ accomplish!
I suppose its a good thing that things are moving swiftly, however its slightly disorienting.
This entry is to plot/plan out the next few months with the declaration of events I am to host/attend.
A check list... of sorts.
In no real order:
-June 30th Thee Imperial- Devour the dead.
-July 4th- House of Jam and Dark...
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So many things to do/ accomplish!
I suppose its a good thing that things are moving swiftly, however its slightly disorienting.
This entry is to plot/plan out the next few months with the declaration of events I am to host/attend.
A check list... of sorts.
In no real order:
-June 30th Thee Imperial- Devour the dead.
-July 4th- House of Jam and Dark...
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I was looking in your pictures and saw that you know my boy matt with dark cloud radio. I don't know why we haven't met. we like the same bands. we go to the same shows on multiple occassions. I will be at the combichrist show. and now I have to find a way to make it to the mc chris show. I miss him every time he is here. last time I got horribley sick and I was trying till the last minute to make myself healthy enough to make it out. I had no clue he was coming back again. ok I have to stop blathering like an idiot that doesn't really touch caffeine and idiotically ordered a venti carmel mocha frappichino....

So, its 1:14 am and I am planning out my seventh show. So far, go good. :: knocks on wood ::
The first show sucked as much as it could suck. Two hours of dead air, albeit not my fault.
The second show, I had advertisements to register my SAM throw out my songs, and talk until I fixed the problem, all the while my...
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The first show sucked as much as it could suck. Two hours of dead air, albeit not my fault.
The second show, I had advertisements to register my SAM throw out my songs, and talk until I fixed the problem, all the while my...
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Im listening to you playing MSI right now! How cool is that? Have you picked up the new Danzig rare and unreleased album yet? I am sure you have. I'm sorry it has taken so long to catch a show of yours but I am glad it's gotten easier and more fun for you. I saw a pic of Scott next to Jeff.
So weird. Anywho I miss you tons and I am sorry if I have upset you recently by my shitty friend tendencies. I have jsut been so wrapped up in my job. Even on my days off I am still doing something work related like schedules and write ups and plans to fix shit. I know its no excuse.....I am sorry..... Miss you lots and Matt says hey.
much loves!

much loves!
So I went live last night. Felt like my heart was having palpations it was beating so hard. I fucked up a couple of times, but all was going well... until the station's server went down... for two hours (the rest of my show). It is being thought that someone is doing it intentionally, not directed towards me however... more towards the now single owner....
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thats so awesome! I know a dj! hehehe! i unfourtunately missed the show but i will try my damnedest to catch the next one. Thank you so much for the pics! very cool. i miss you . = ( sorry i havent called but its been work and sleep pretty much all week. lots to do very overwhelming. but one step at a time right?!
I find myself regretting all the times I did not spend time with you, and wishing I had been a better friend. I miss you dearly and can't wait till August. Hope to catch you next thursday on the radio show.

Ahahaha! I am as we speak, recording an hour's worth of stream to be sent to the Co owner of Dark Cloud Radio check the linkage here: Heavy, hard, dark or just anything that rocks!!
I hope I don't disapoint too badly. I will post what MadMan replies.
I hope I don't disapoint too badly. I will post what MadMan replies.
"If you wanted to... say you wanted to... If you wanted to save the world"
So how about "Storm" by Devin Townsend has been on my mind a lot today. The utterly raw emotion that its sung with grips me. Lovely tune, that. Haven't heard it? Look it up! Buy the album, download it!
Man, its mother's day. Woot.
My mother is having a...
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So how about "Storm" by Devin Townsend has been on my mind a lot today. The utterly raw emotion that its sung with grips me. Lovely tune, that. Haven't heard it? Look it up! Buy the album, download it!
Man, its mother's day. Woot.
My mother is having a...
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I just got put on the Dark Cloud Radio website. Look under staff, you'll find me. DJ Sharon Love.
I start my training on Tuesday. Hope I won't be TOO big of a disspointment.
Dark Cloud Radio
Save the link.
Here is their myspace:
DCR'S Myspace
I start my training on Tuesday. Hope I won't be TOO big of a disspointment.
Dark Cloud Radio
Save the link.
Here is their myspace:
DCR'S Myspace
awesome dude! thats sounds like so much fun! hey I am wicked sorry for not calling you back. I'm just getting real preoccupied lately with weighing pros and cons and thinking up battle plans and the like. Its a lot to pick up and move to start a whole new life....
I also occasionally feel like this
about it.
But trying to stay like
loves you much and will wicked WICKED miss you when I go.
and yes I will come back to visit.

I also occasionally feel like this

But trying to stay like

loves you much and will wicked WICKED miss you when I go.
and yes I will come back to visit.
These are pictures from the Jannus Landing concert
(The last post on here is screwy. It won't let me delete or edit it in any way. So, here it is in its better form.)
Well, how about when I dive into something, I really DIVE in deep. Head over heels, no looking back, complete submergence within the substance. I become this porous thing and let myself become so filled with the thick, heavy...
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Well, how about when I dive into something, I really DIVE in deep. Head over heels, no looking back, complete submergence within the substance. I become this porous thing and let myself become so filled with the thick, heavy...
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"Everyone Dies" is definatly one of my favorite Type O songs. It's easy to get lost in those lyrics because you can indentify and picture what he's trying to say in the song, and it becomes a moving experience. I only wish I could right more songs like that. Trust me the futher you get into music you'll find alot more songs that directly speak to you and a wave of untapped emotion will flow, EMBRACE IT!!! it's very healing.......
awesome thanks for the pics! you rock the fuckin house lady!!!!
ps i just got back from grindhouse, and while everyone loves planet terror (and it was good no doubt! ), death proof left me so charged and wanting to be some adrenaline fueled bad ass shit kickin mama and i thought to myself who would be the perfect companion on such a journey? the incomprable sarah! loves ya dollface!
ps i just got back from grindhouse, and while everyone loves planet terror (and it was good no doubt! ), death proof left me so charged and wanting to be some adrenaline fueled bad ass shit kickin mama and i thought to myself who would be the perfect companion on such a journey? the incomprable sarah! loves ya dollface!
Well, how about when I dive into something, I really DIVE in deep. Head over heels, no looking back, complete submergence within the substace. I become this porous thing and let myself become so filled with the thick, heavy material.
This material I am referring to is none other than, Type O Negative (TON).
Their lyrics are really rocking my soul right now, striking gold...
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This material I am referring to is none other than, Type O Negative (TON).
Their lyrics are really rocking my soul right now, striking gold...
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How about the VNV Nation concert in St Pete was AMAZING! They put on a fantastic live performance and the energy given up by the rest of the crowd was fanatic!
They played all the songs I could possibly have wished for, saving the best for the last. They had left the stage once, then came back on to perform a slow song that was...
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They played all the songs I could possibly have wished for, saving the best for the last. They had left the stage once, then came back on to perform a slow song that was...
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erm..... btw...... I don't really have any morality to give you
I'm somewhat ammoral