just got home from a week in stowe, vermont...... it was fun.... interesting cause it was a famil;y trip but it was surprisingly fun.... hopefully I got some good pics from the trip that I can post.... Plus I took some pics of me n friends b4 club hell last wensday so hopefully I can get those developed..... but ya gonna b mia socially again...
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glad to hear that you enjoyed to your time with you family. Club hell haven't been there in a long while, hope you had fun there.
ya it was my first time but it was definetly cool.... I wanna go again asap
Ok so yea my life is spiraling downward n fast.... I thought gettin out of the hospital anf away from doctors after being stuck with them for a month would help but it hasnt...... I am so done with being diagnosed as shit... I am just ready to go out n have some fun n not worry about everything and everyone around me......
im done...
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im done...
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I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time 

thanx .... im gettin better ya know but it just sucks that its takin so long... but atleast I got the puppy 2 make me laugh! lol
hey people of the world. Sorry I havent posted anything for awhile, or even been on the site. I was M.I.A. but hopefully that wont ever happen to me again. But anyways I hope everyone else is doing great! I know I am now :-D
talk to everyone later cause right now im tired and could definetly use some beauty sleep. :-P
talk to everyone later cause right now im tired and could definetly use some beauty sleep. :-P
so today I had my surgery... n so my face is swollen n it hurts like a biznitch.... but it went well n they gave me some horse tranquilizers 2 ease the pain so I should b good... ttyl

I'm glad your surgery went well!
aww thanx sweety! hows everything wit u!? I havent gotten 2 talk 2 u in forever! how r the newest pit pups? n all the original pets?!
so ya..... cant sleep, I have surgery scheduled for today thursdays at 11:50 for my mouth ,,.,,, n im not gonna b able 2 smoke for atleast a week which really sucks...... but yea,,,,,,
well wish me luck :-/
well wish me luck :-/

wow that can not be fun, i hope everything goes well
I love my job really I do.... but sometimes .... after being bit so many times that I now look like I was beatin numerous times.... the job starts 2 get aggrevating.... I now have 4 very large bruises on my arms and 2 many small ones 2 count plus many on my legs... my friends get a kick out of it cause I am...
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sry I havent been on in a few days people this week has been the week from hell. first it was my sisters 26th b-day,... then I got bit atleast 8 times at work leaving very nasty bruises everywhere,. and then my dad got surgery on his lip cancer.... n he has been out of work meaning I have had 2 work wit subs all...
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Bit? I hope your dad's surgery went fine.
The rescue group in NY will be finishing their treatment and then adopting them out there. Thanks for your offer though
The rescue group in NY will be finishing their treatment and then adopting them out there. Thanks for your offer though

your welcome n e time.... n yes my fathers doing great thanx :-D
so hows everything been goin wit u n the furry family?! lol
so hows everything been goin wit u n the furry family?! lol
.... today is one of those days that wont seem 2 end soon enough.....
today would b my sisters 26th b-day....... but unfortunately she died when she was 18...... .....
so ya... today sux cause im missing her.... wishin I was a better sister when I had the chance......
well ttyl
today would b my sisters 26th b-day....... but unfortunately she died when she was 18...... .....
so ya... today sux cause im missing her.... wishin I was a better sister when I had the chance......
well ttyl
I'm so sorry about your loss lovely 

sorry to hear about your sister

Havent updated my page in awhile cause I have been so busy chillen wit friends and working.... I need a new digi camera thats a decent price n easy 2 work so if n e 1 knows a good brand let me kno that way I can take pics n post them lol
so yea yesterday I got my hair cut n colored..... hmmm.... supposedly it looks great but it still scares the living shit outta me when I walk by a mirror n look in it quickly.... goin from a dark color to a light one is a big change lol.... I will try n get pics soon but im not making promises!
ttyl mwa!
ttyl mwa!
It's the girl who fucked my boyfriend...

omg wow..... is she on myspace or sg?! cause I will scare her off for ya?! lol
Ya so my life pretty much sucks right now
I recently made a huge mistake n one of my best friends is mad at me and has pretty much completely cut me out of her life and a friend we shares life also..... ya so I am pretty dam upset and also very bored seeing as I did everything with them not 2 mention for...
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Ya so my life pretty much sucks right now
I recently made a huge mistake n one of my best friends is mad at me and has pretty much completely cut me out of her life and a friend we shares life also..... ya so I am pretty dam upset and also very bored seeing as I did everything with them not 2 mention for...
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