so i have started cleaning out my car..... and god knows where i am going to put all the shit that was in it?! geuss no ones commin' over to my place for a while, not like people come over to my place often,
not cause i'm un popular just because i am slightly protective of my personal space, i guess it was all the crazy room mates i had in boarding school they ran the gammit from diagonosed sociopaths to border liner personality disorders and cleptomanicas to complusive liars and even a chick who was in love and haveing a sexual relationship with her step brother (creepy yes but even creepier when you come to learn they had basically been living as siblings since they were both 2 years old, i would have found it less creepy if they had been living together for only a year)
so anyway more than i wanted to share about the crazies i have known
so my car is getting clean for my up comming annual migration to montana for 2 weeks.
1 33 gallon trashbag of crap out and two clothings racks...... 87 million 33 gallon bags left to go!
not cause i'm un popular just because i am slightly protective of my personal space, i guess it was all the crazy room mates i had in boarding school they ran the gammit from diagonosed sociopaths to border liner personality disorders and cleptomanicas to complusive liars and even a chick who was in love and haveing a sexual relationship with her step brother (creepy yes but even creepier when you come to learn they had basically been living as siblings since they were both 2 years old, i would have found it less creepy if they had been living together for only a year)
so anyway more than i wanted to share about the crazies i have known
so my car is getting clean for my up comming annual migration to montana for 2 weeks.
1 33 gallon trashbag of crap out and two clothings racks...... 87 million 33 gallon bags left to go!
Goodness me, that's impressive. The missus could use one of those cleanouts herself. I'm sure you'll find all sorts of interesting stuff.
Well, at least it will be easy to take them all to the Salvation Army, if it comes to that.